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Streams in the Desert Ministeries
Pastor Dana Bohanske

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Pastor Dana Bohanske, Host of Streams in the Desert Live! Live~ Worldwide Prophetic News Talk Show.

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

Pastor Dana Bohanske here; Pastor, Evangelist & Prophetic Teacher;  Founder and Senior Pastor of: Streams in the Desert Ministries & House Church, Web Ministry & Host of Streams in the Desert Live! Live~ Worldwide Prophetic News Talk Show.

I was blessed to be born into a family of Preachers. My Great Grandfather was a Pastor, and my very own Mother Lois Baker Williams was a Preacher, Teacher, Singer, Song Writer and Evangelist for more than 70 years as well as being highly gifted in the area of Prophecy, before her Graduation to Heaven in 2011.

I personally was called to serve the Lord God in Los Angeles, CA in 1964 were I taught Sunday School out of my Parents Home as a child in the Inner City of LA. After many of life's experiences and a move to Arizona, I was then called in 1994 to Leadership as a Licensed Minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,  Preaching, Teaching and Ministering in such Churches as the Assembly of God, as Well as others.

In 1997 while helping out for a period of time in an Assembly of God Church in Glendale Arizona, we were privileged to be called as the Overseers of the Churches Food Ministry, as well as Co-Overseers of the 40 and Over Group.

In 1999, I and my Husband Pastor Tom, who is our Ministries Business Manager, Assistant Pastor and gifted Teacher of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, at Streams in the Desert Ministries and House Church, were sent by the Lord God to the Foreign Mission Field. In the Mountains of Albania, which borders the country of Greece. Just after the Kosovo War. 

During our time in Albania I and my Husband Pastor Tom were Leaders of a Missions Team that Ministered in the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ, with Signs, Wonders, Miracles And Deliverance following, by way of the Power, Working and Anointing of God's Holy Spirit. Many lives in the Village of Korca, Albania were forever changed by this experience.       

In 2000 I was Ordained, and in March of 2001 the Lord God called, me and my Husband Pastor Tom, to start an Outreach Ministry at Phoenix First Assembly. A Church that we had well been involved with for many years. We at that time began an "End Time" Prophetic Movie Ministry, which was part of the Ministry lineup offered at Phoenix, First for the next 5 years.

Then in March of 2006 the Lord God called us to start Streams House Church, and for me to become more involved in seeking out the Churches, that the Lord had prepared to hear and receive the Evangelistic and Prophetic "End Time" Message of the Lord Jesus Christ. As presented in the word of God; through Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Healings and Deliverance even unto the raising of the dead both Spiritually and Physically.

In January of 2007 the Lord God had once again opened another door for us! In the fact that we now have an thriving Internet Ministry. At and have been from that time able to Preach the word of the Lord And Only Savior of all mankind who is Jesus Christ to the entire world. Where we now receive emails from around the world, from such places as Australia, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, England, Kenya & Uganda, to name just a few and we continue to receive many more from various other places each year, by way of this Awesome tool that the hand of the Lord God has, and continues to provide for us. Called the Internet.

In 2014 we shared more Good News, as the Lord God had once again opened another door for us!! to minister not only to Arizona and surrounding states (as we did for the better part of two years on live radio here in Phoenix, AZ between 2007-2009), but to the whole world, by way of our Streams in the Desert Live! Weekly Live~ Worldwide Prophetic News Talk Show. Of which in 2014 I was as welll pleased to announce that the show from that time to now could and can be heard Live! every Wednesday at 3:55pm (MST) from Scottsdale, Arizona USA. From the Star Worldwide internet radio website as well as the Star Worldwide Networks Mobile App.which can be download for free. And is where all Streams in the Desert Live! Shows are available Free On Demand 24/7/365 Worldwide! 

Well my friends, greetings to one and all! Another 5 years have now passed since I last formally updated you as to what is going on with us here at Streams in the Desert Ministries and I am pleased to inform you all here on this first day of January 2024, that the Streams in the Desert Live! Weekly Live~ Worldwide Prophetic News Talk Show. Will be continuing our partnership with Star Worldwide Networks Internet Radio Station in Scottsdale, AZ.  Where most of our shows are now coming to you from our New Streams in the Desert Live! Home Studio Via Star Worldwide

Please stay tuned to see what the Lord God will do next by way of the power, working and anointing of his Holy Spirit... Here at 11:59 and split seconds, just before the imminent return of his one and only begotten son who is none other than Jesus Christ the only Hope and Savior of all Mankind. Shalom, shalom~       


Tom Bohanske Business Manager, Assistant Pastor & Teacher

On September 26th 1994, the Lord Jesus Christ called me out of a strict  Catholic upbringing  into his fold.  This was a very exciting and special time in my life,  I not only decided to surrender all to Jesus but he became real to me.  In return he opened my eyes, ears and spirit to what he wanted in my life.

During the next several years the Lord Jesus impressed the importance of his written word on me strengthening my faith and  understanding.  The Lord also answered a heart felt prayer and Baptized me with his Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking with other tongues. 

In the year 2000 the Lord Jesus call my wife Pastor Dana and I into his Ministry;"Streams in the Desert Ministries".  The Lord was calling me at this time to use the talents that he was honing  to teach his word, to maintain the Business aspect of his Ministry and to support my wife as the Assistant Pastor.  In 2004 I was Blessed to receive my License to preach and teach the gospel and in May of 2005 I was honored to be Ordained as a minister of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord has also used me at Phoenix First Assembly of God, as a Volunteer Pastor as well as Stage Crew Manager for Numerous illustrated sermons; Pastor Schools, Christmas and Resurrection Sunday Pageants.

All of this preparation culminated in  March of 2006, when the Lord God called us to start a House Church.  This was a big step in our lives and many changes are ahead for us but I also know that we have an even bigger GOD and he has it all under control.

Sir Twinkie ~ May 14, 2004 - June 20, 2018

Love, Peace, Joy  & Blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus;

Sir Twinkie here the official kitty of the Streams House Church (a.k.a church kitty), please do not get me wrong, I am also a very royal part of this family, well known to all friends, family and church family alike. I enjoy the Friday night praise and worship service and even have my own special chair to sit in, when it comes time for the word of my Lord and Master Jesus. 

I enjoy praising and worshipping the Lord Jesus, and hearing the word of God preached just the same as the next guy!  Do you know there is even a scripture to back it up. Ps 150;   

1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
2 Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
3 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
5 Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Oh yes as you can see by my photograph I am a very well read kitty... Well its been nice talking to you, I hope that some day in the future we can meet in person at the Streams House Church.

Your friend Sir Twinkie (a.k.a KP= Kitty of Preachers)   

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Streams in the Desert Ministries &
Streams in the Desert Live!  Internet/Radio Ministry

 Pastor Dana: 623-703-9627

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 Streams in the Desert Ministries., a.k.a. Streams House Church & Streams in the Desert Live!
operate under a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity located

in the state of Oregon. 
Any use of materials, logos, or the names of
Streams in the Desert Ministries & Streams House Church or Streams in the Desert Live!.
Without prior written consent is prohibited.  Sept. 2000-2025