Prophetic Words |
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus! Pastor Dana here, do you have prophetic dreams and or visions that you would like to share with others? Well I have good news e-mail them to me here at and I will post them here on this page. I will also let you know if the Lord has given me an interpretation of the dream or vision for you, after reading it... if you already have an interpretation of the dream or vision that you would like to include you may do that also, (if you would like me see it or post it with your dream or vision.) Prophetically speaking we can learn much about what's going on around us in our world, our lives and in the lives of others by sharing our spiritual dreams and visions, the Lord uses them to show us the "signs of the times" and to alert or warn us of things that we need to be praying about. Now that's not to say that all dreams and visions are from the Lord, but if you feel that you have had a spiritual dream or vision that is from the Lord God and would like to share it, here is your opportunity! Remember to include; with your dreams/visions the date, time and year you had them, and whether or not I may post them. May the power of the Holy Spirit indwell you and the peace of the Lord Jesus be unto you always, thanks for sharing that we may all give God the Glory!
Pastor Dana