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Streams in the Desert Ministeries
Pastor Dana Bohanske

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blessed by what
you have seen 
and heard on the
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May the Lord Jesus richly bless you for your love offering.

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 Streams Audio

We pray that you will be touched by the power & anointing of God's Holy Spirit though the sermons which have been selected below from various Streams services.  We invite you to contact us with any question you may have at;  

May the Peace of the Lord Jesus be unto you always!

Pastors Tom & Dana

Note: Please let us here at Streams know if you encounter any problems while downloading or listening to any of the messages on this page. =)

You can reach us at 

God Bless & Thanks!

Pastor Dana   

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If you're not serving Jesus now... What makes you think you'll be doing it later in HEAVEN?

Streams in the Desert Ministries &
Streams in the Desert Live!  Internet/Radio Ministry

 Pastor Dana: 623-703-9627

Jesus Loves You!

Best Buy Electronics

 Streams in the Desert Ministries., a.k.a. Streams House Church & Streams in the Desert Live!
operate under a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity located

in the state of Oregon. 
Any use of materials, logos, or the names of
Streams in the Desert Ministries & Streams House Church or Streams in the Desert Live!.
Without prior written consent is prohibited.  Sept. 2000-2024