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Streams in the Desert Ministeries
Pastor Dana Bohanske

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Statement of Faith

The Bible ~


We believe the entire Authorized King James Version of the Bible to be without a doubt the purest form of the English speaking version of the Bible.


We believe that the Authorized King James Version of the Bible was translated from the original Hebrew and Greek text as it was fully intended by God.


We believe therefore that the Authorized King James Version of the Bible is the unadulterated Holy Ghost inspired, absolute truth and complete word of the one and only true and living God. ~ 2 Tim 3:16-17.



The Trinity ~


God the Father first person of "The Trinity"~


We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons; God the Father, God the Son (who is Jesus Christ; a.k.a. the word of God), and God  the Holy Ghost.


We believe this to be the God of Heaven and earth; the Great I AM; the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob; the God of Israel; the God, and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.~ Ge 1:1,  Ex 3:14-15, Ex 24: 9-10, John 20 16:17.


We believe that God also is the Father of those who follow his one and only begotten son Jesus Christ in a personal born again relationship as Lord, Master and Savior of their lives walking and living both by and through the written word of God. And the indwelling Power of his Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues, which is given as a gift to believers who obey God, and seek God for it, after receiving Jesus Christ as Lord Master and Savior of their lives.


God the Son Jesus Christ, (a.k.a. Son of man) second person of "The Trinity" ~


We believe that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the one and only begotten son of the one and only true and living God, ~ John 3:16.


We believe in the virgin birth of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ~ Is 7:14, Matt 1:23.


We believe that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the only human who has ever lived a sinless life.~ Heb 4: 14-15.


We believe in the miracles and healings of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ~ John 2:11, Matt 4:23. 


We believe in the literal vicarious and atoning death of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary (Golgotha) ~ Matt 27:27-50.


We believe in the literal burial of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that he was placed in the Garden Tomb just outside the old city of Jerusalem. ~ Matt 15:43-46.


We believe in the literal Resurrection of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that he arose again on the third day, and that God the Father was the one who raised him bodily from the dead.~ Matt 28:1-7, Acts 2:32.


We believe that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. ~ Acts 2:33-35. 


God the Holy Ghost third person of "The Trinity" ~


We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is essential for personal salvation. ~ John 6:43-45.


We believe in the drawing, and convicting power and presents of the Holy Ghost John 16:7-11 as will as the indwelling gifting power and presents, of the Holy Ghost ~John 14:12-18.


Salvation ~


We believe that all have sinned and the only means of being cleansed from sin is through the blood of Jesus Christ. ~ Rom 3:23-26, Rom 6:16-23.


We believe that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. ~ John 14:1-6.


We believe that man is justified in Christ Jesus, apart from works. ~ Eph 2:1-10.


We believe that the redemptive work of Jesus Christ provides healing for the whole man; body, soul, spirit, inner healing and deliverance. Mark 16:15-18.


We believe in God's plan of salvation or "being saved" as outlined in the word of God.  Matt 10:32-39, John 3:1-7, John 3:16-18, Romans 10 9:13, I John 1:1-10.


Water Baptism ~


We believe in being baptized in water in the name of the Father, and of Son, and of the, Holy Ghost. Going down into the water is a symbol of putting off the old man and life we lived before inviting Jesus Christ to in to our hearts to be the Lord, Master and Savior of our lives, coming up out of the water is a symbol of receiving our new life in Jesus Christ through his death, burial and resurrection. ~ Matt 3:1-6, Mark 1:9-11, Acts 19:4, 2 Cor 5:17. 


Baptism in the Holy Ghost (God's Indwelling Power) ~


We believe that a person baptized with the Holy Ghost will speak with new tongues. ~ Joel 2:28-32, Mark 16:17, Acts 2:4, Acts 2:16-21, Act 19:6, I Cor 12:10, I Cor 12 :28 - 31, I Cor 14:5. 


We believe that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is for today, that it is available to all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who seek God for it just as believers did on the day of Pentecost. ~ John 1:29-34, Acts 2:38-39, Acts 11:13-17, Acts 19: 1-6. 


We believe in a holy sanctified set apart life.  That can only be fashioned by the indwelling power of God's Holy Ghost, by whose indwelling presence, the believer is enabled to live not only a godly life manifesting the fruits of the Spirit, but also at the same time God is then able to work his gifting-power in and through the believers life via the indwelling of his Holy Ghost. ~ Acts 1:5, Acts 1:8,  Act 2:1-4.


We believe that the gifts of the Holy Ghost, as enumerated in I Cor 1 12:1-11 are to be practiced and made manifest in the church today.


Five Fold Ministry ~ 


We believe that God the Father through the example of the sinless life of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the power and working of God's Holy Spirit gave some the calling and gifting of, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the Saints.  As stated in the word of God.  ~ Eph 4: 1-16. 


Signs, Wonders, Miracles and  Deliverance ~


We believe in the present day ministry of the Holy Ghost, in the working of signs, wonders, miracles, healings and deliverance, even unto the raising of the dead both, Physically and Spiritually.  Through the spoken word of God and by the laying on of hands. ~ Acts 5;12-16, Acts 14:1-4, Rom 15:19. 

The Lord's Supper ~


We believe as born again Christians (which is to say born of the Spirit of God)  in remembering the Lord Jesus' death until he comes again, by the ordinances of the Lord's Supper.  Which is performed  by the partaking of the wine (symbolized by grape juice) which is in remembrance of The Lord Jesus' precious and Holy shed blood that was shed to purchase salvation for us, and by the partaking of the bread (symbolized by Matzo bread) which is in remembrance of The Lord Jesus' broken, beaten, bruised, pierced and stripped body that purchased healing for us.  ~ 1 Cor 11:20-34.


The Rapture "Catching away of the Saints" of the Church, (The Bride of God's Lamb Jesus Christ) ~


We believe in the *unexpected return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not biblically but commonly known as the "Rapture".  (*Which will only be witnessed by  those who have a personal relationship with him and are  ready, watching, waiting and Praying for his imminent  return.)  ~ I Cor 15: 52-58, 1 Thess 4: 13-18.


The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, King of Kings. The Word of God ~


We believe also in the second coming of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in power and great  Glory, where every eye shall see and every knee shall bow to him. (At the conclusion of the 7 years of tribulation/Great Tribulation each being a span of 3.5 yrs. a total of 7 years.) ~ Matt 24:29-30, Rom 14:9-12, Phil 2:5-12, Rev 1:7,  Rev 19:11-16.


1000 Year Reign of the Lord Jesus ~


We believe in the literal 1,000 year millennial reign of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as King over this earth then comes the Judgment. ~ Rev 20:4-6.


Heavenly Host ~


We believe that Heavenly Angels are the servants, messengers and ministering Angels of the Great and mighty Lord God. ~ Ps 103:20-21, Ps 148:1-6, Luke 15:10. 

Heaven, Hell and the Lake of Fire ~


We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved: The saved to everlasting life in Heaven, the unsaved to eternal Judgment and separation in the Lake of Fire. ~ John 5:25-29.  


We believe in a literal Heaven (Place of Eternal life) a literal Hell (place of Torment while in the Grave until the Day of God's Great Judgment at the end of time,) and a literal Lake of Fire (Place of eternal separation from Heaven, God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost and all who belong to God.  Also know as the final destination of Satan, The Anti-Christ, False Prophet and all of mankind who reject God's plan of salvation through his one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ. ~ 2 Cor 121:4, Luke 16:19-31, Rev 20:11-15.


Satan, Evil Angels, and Demonic Spirits ~


We believe in the adversary of God and of all those who belong to him. Which is none other that Satan him self, who was once called Lucifer which was his heavenly name, and now is known to God and man as Satan the god of this present and fallen world, who is accompanied by his evil "angels" that fell with and followed him from heaven. along with his Demonic spirits, principalities & powers of the air and rulers of the darkness, which are the messengers and Agents of the Devil who is the prince of darkness. ~ Is 14:12-15, Luke 10:18, Acts 19:15, Rev 12:7-9.  


The Spirit of Anti-Christ and the coming Anti Christ,

False Prophet, and Mark of the Beast ~


We believe that there is a spirit of Anti-Christ at work in the world even this very day, as well as the soon coming "Anti-Christ" in the from of a Man who will be the first person in the unholy trinity of Satan upon this earth, accompanied by the False prophet; who will be the second person of this unholy trinity, and Satan who will play his self as director and third person of that unholy trinity under the alias "The Dragon." ~ Rom 16:17-18, I John, 2:18-26, I John 4:1-4, 2 Cor 11: 1-15, 2 Thess 2:1-10, Rev 12:9, Rev 13:1-18, Rev 14:9-11, Rev 15:1-2, Rev 16:1-2, Rev 19:17-21, Rev 20:1-10.


We believe that Jesus is coming soon and very soon.... Will he find you ready watching, waiting, praying, packed up.... ready to go up!   


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 Pastor Dana: 623-703-9627

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 Streams in the Desert Ministries., a.k.a. Streams House Church & Streams in the Desert Live!
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